RAINN Launches Interactive Statutes of Limitations Tool

Evaluating the landscape of statutes of limitations for sex crimes just got a lot easier, thanks to RAINN’s new interactive tool.

Aikens Family Honor Sister with Fundraiser for RAINN

Herbie Aikens share's what it's like to organize a memorial fundriaser for RAINN—and offers tips for familes who are still in the grieving process. 

Insights from the Hotline Room: Self-Care in the New Year

Support specialists from the National Sexual Assault Hotline share tips on practicing self-care in the new year.

Want To Meet the Cast of Sweet/Vicious? Donate to RAINN

MTV's Sweet/Vicious takes an new appraoch to talking about campus sexual violence. Now you can enter to win a viewing party with the stars of the show.

What Has RAINN Been Up To?

A recap of RAINN's work in 2016, for our new supporters and longtime friends

Doubling Your Gift to RAINN, Doubling Your Impact for Survivors

Chelsea Bowers, RAINN’s development director talks about the importance of supporting survivors of sexual violence and how maximize your contribution during December.

Insights from the Hotline Room: Planning for Holiday Gatherings

The holiday season can present challenges for some survivors of sexual abuse and incest. RAINN support specialists who operate the National Sexual Assault Hotline share strategies for survivors to feel safe during this time. 
