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Survivor Stories

Pei's Story

She was 5 years old when a relative began sexually abusing her. For over four decades, she buried her pain. Then she discovered: she wasn’t alone.

Nicole's Story

Gang members left her for dead. Now, she helps other survivors of sexual violence find reasons to live. “I have a wonderful life!”

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Forrest’s Story

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Katie's Story

Katie Wee is a film and television actress, mindset coach and the founder of Happy Camp, a retreat where people can come to reclaim their happiness and empowerment. She recently recounted aspects of her survivor story to RAINN as part of her work as an activist.

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Kim’s Story

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Sandra’s Story

Sandra Avila is a member from the Latino/a community, a professional podcaster and YouTuber, and a survivor of sexual violence.

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Megan’s Story

Megan Campeau is a graduate student studying legal work, an advocate, and a survivor of a sexual assault on campus.

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Jace’s Story

Jace is a member of RAINN’s Speakers Bureau, a peer advocate, a trans activist, and a survivor of military sexual trauma (MST).

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Karli’s Story

Karli is an author, an international speaker, educator, an advocate, a single mother, and a survivor of rape.

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