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There is no single, quick, or easy solution to preventing sexual harassment and other interpersonal misconduct within an organization. RAINN Consulting Group understands that each organization operates within its own dynamic environment. Our consultants take the time to understand your community and its needs along with any existing resources and infrastructure.

We work with clients to develop lasting, trauma-informed organizational systems and processes to realize a vision for safer communities where communal norms reflect intolerance for sexual misconduct, victims are treated with dignity, and people who commit harm are held accountable.


Organizational Assessment


The RAINN Assessment


The RAINN Assessment is a journey organizations choose to undertake as part of a crisis-response plan, or as a robust prevention tool. The goal of The RAINN Assessment is to analyze systemic oversights that enabled, or could enable, sexual misconduct to occur, and to identify specific actions that can be taken to avoid its (re)occurrence. RAINN's signature assessment involves a comprehensive needs assessment, a gap analysis, an insights report with key findings and recommendations, and an implementation roadmap.


Crisis Impact Assessment

Following a crisis involving sexual misconduct, RAINN will assess how the incident has impacted the workplace or community, including any erosion of trust and confidence in the organization, reluctance of victims to make reports, and other attitude or cultural shifts. RAINN will make recommendations for repairing harm and re-establishing a culture of trust and prevention.



Policy Review & Development


Our consultants assist organizations by conducting developing and reviewing policies and processes, including conduct expectations, reporting pathways, response protocols, and accountability practices. 



Our expert policy recommendations are designed to strengthen safety, support the emotional well-being of all community members, align policies and processes with best practices, support organizations in conducting fair and equitable investigations, and provide greater clarity and direction for staff responsible for implementing the policies.






Leadership Preparedness



Our consultants assist leaders in identifying strengths, gaps, and risks in the current state of their organization’s sexual misconduct policies and programming, and defining needs and priorities for systemic growth. We help organizational leadership successfully establish internal sexual misconduct response teams, develop and implement comprehensive training plans, develop sustainable systems for ongoing evaluation and improvement, and transition toward more trauma-informed practices throughout their organization.







Awareness Programming & Content Development 


Ensuring that organizational awareness events and communications as well as website content demonstrate a trauma-informed, fair, equitable, and victim-centered approach is essential to building trust and confidence in an organization’s response to the issue of sexual misconduct. We help organizations build and maintain effective communication practices that are transparent and trauma-informed, and that support victims in finding key information about reporting and resources.