Pei's Story

She was 5 years old when a relative began sexually abusing her. For over four decades, she buried her pain. Then she discovered: she wasn’t alone.

Gloria's Story

Gloria Master’s is an author, advocate, speaker, and a survivor of child sexual abuse (CSA).

Before Gloria disclosed, she grew up feeling like everything was her fault. She repressed her memories for 16 years and it felt beyond challenging to carry so much shame and guilt.

Gloria first disclosed the abuse she experienced with a psychologist. When he uttered the words “It was never your fault” she felt the stirrings of relief.

Nubia’s Story

Nubia DuVall Wilson is the founder and president of Cielo Consulting, co-founder of Starfury Productions, a mother, journalist, author, speaker, and survivor of incest.

Kelly’s Story

Kelly Wallace is a member of RAINN’s Speakers Bureau, a co-host of the upcoming podcast Voices of Survivors, and a survivor of incest.

Kelly first disclosed the abuse when she was 8-years-old. She told her mom what was happening between her and her grandfather. Her mom reacted in a way that was supportive by telling her that she believed her and that she had sensed something might be up.

Tracy's Story

Tracy Green is a survivor of childhood and adolescent sexual abuse (rape). Today Tracy serves as the state representative of Texas for the Peer Leadership Council of NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) and is a member of RAINN’s Speakers Bureau. She has a Bachelor's degree in psychology and a Master’s degree in human services. She is happily married to her husband of 38+ years and they have two adult children and four grandchildren.

Keith's Story

Keith Addison Tyler is a creative writer and music director, a survivor of sadistic childhood sexual abuse, and an advocate for male survivors.

Keith and his sister were abused by their father and their father’s friend. Over the past decade, Keith has served the survivor community as a moderator to a male survivor Internet forum and a co-facilitator of a peer-led survivor support group for men. He is also a member of the RAINN Speakers Bureau.

L’Tomay’s Story

No one believed her story of child sexual abuse, but she refused to be silenced by doubt. “I offer myself compassion and grace.”

Kaitlyn’s Story

Kaitlyn Urenda is a mother, a high school coach, a swimmer, and a survivor of child sexual abuse.

Kaitlyn was 14 years old when she was sexually assaulted by an employee at her high school who also happened to be a gymnastics coach. During the time of the abuse, Kaitlyn became pregnant by her perpetrator. She later disclosed this to her school officials, after her graduation, and he was fired. The perpetrator was then re-hired at her school even though the school district authorities were aware that he had sexually abused her.

Bobbie’s Story

Bobbie Becerra is an author, storyteller, speaker, and a survivor of child sexual abuse (CSA).

Bobbie grew up in a strange world. Abuse was a regular occurrence. It was like an open secret – something known but not directly dealt with – and often explained as “just the way it is.”

Bobbie was in her teens when she first heard a therapist actually call what was happening to her “abuse.” According to Bobbie, it was hard to hear. She didn’t want that word used in association with her mother.
