RAINN Speakers Bureau Member, CEO Join Discussion on Campus Sexual Assault

RAINN joined discussions with the Department of Education to highlight the importance of ensuring the safety and security of college students.

Sexual Assault Kit Initiative Helps States Erase Rape Kit Backlogs

RAINN’s policy department has joined a team of national experts selected by the Justice Department to support states’ work to address and end the backlog of untested and unanalyzed rape kits.

Bipartisan Group of Senators Renews Call for Campus Reforms

RAINN's vice president for public policy spoke at a Capitol Hill press conference urging swift action on the bipartisan Campus Accountability and Safety Act (CASA), alongside survivor advocates and lawmakers.

Join RAINN This April

April marks Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (#SAAPM). To help more people get involved in the conversation, RAINN highlights five ways to speak up and speak out about sexual violence this month. 

How Does Your State Define Consent?

Thanks to pro bono help from law firm Hogan Lovells, RAINN’s Defining Consent database helps provide a detailed answer, customized for every state, to the common question: What exactly is consent?
