Sexual Assault Laws and Court Decisions

RAINN works with a range of policy makers and influencers to pass key federal laws and educate the public about how these laws facilitate justice for survivors of sexual violence. Learn more about how these federal laws allocate funds, establish protections, and work to prevent sexual violence.

  • Debbie Smith Act - The Debbie Smith Act intends to eliminate the backlog of untested and unanalyzed DNA evidence by providing the resources to process evidence and add these samples to the national DNA database.
  • Clery Act - The Clery Act requires greater transparency and timely warnings from colleges and universities about crimes that are committed on campus, including crimes of sexual violence.
  • Campus SaVE Act - Campus SaVE amends the Clery Act to increase transparency requirements for colleges, guarantee rights for survivors, establish disciplinary proceedings, and require education programs.

  • SAFER Act - The SAFER Act supports efforts to audit, test, and reduce the backlog of DNA evidence in sexual assault cases and bring perpetrators to justice.
  • Title IX - Title IX prohibits "discrimination on the basis of sex" by educational institutions that receive federal funding.
  • Victims of Crime Act - VOCA helps victims deal with the tangible costs of surviving a crime, such as medical bills, counseling services, and lost wages.
  • Federal and State Courts Address Sexual Violence - RAINN keeps an eye on court cases that may impact how the legal system prosecutes perpetrators, supports victims, and prevents sexual violence.

    The rape kit backlog is currently one of the biggest obstacles to prosecuting perpetrators of sexual violence.

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    Out of every 1,000 sexual assaults, 310 are reported to the police.

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    A $25 monthly gift can educate 15,000 people about preventing sexual violence. Can you think of a better way to spend $1 a day?

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