Julianna’s Story

Julianna's stepfather used to babysit her after school until her mother returned from work. It was on one of these afternoons, when Julianna was just eight years old, that he first exposed himself to her.

Lucy’s Story

After the assault, Lucy lost her voice—a struggle that would be difficult for any survivor, but was heartbreaking to a professional singer like Lucy.

Adam’s Story

Adam had always enjoyed spending time with his uncle, and would often look forward to sleepovers when they could have extended time together. On one of these occasions when he was 14, their normal activities turned abusive. He was confused by his uncle’s actions; nothing like this had happened before.

Keith’s Story

Keith testified in front of a grand jury and the perpetrator who abducted and raped him was indicted, but the the man responsible never stood trial. 

Samentha’s Story

After being disheartened by the lack of police response from the first two assaults, Samentha hesitated to report the third rape, which occurred on her college campus. 
