Lisa’s Story

Her ex-husband sexually abused their daughter. “No more shame. No more secrecy. No more silence.”

Lea’s Story

Lea Grover was sexually assaulted by an acquaintance at a party when she was fourteen-years-old. “I was alone. I was fourteen. I didn't have a way home. I didn't know the language to use for what happened to me."

Katie’s Story

Katie Clark was drugged and raped by strangers during a graduate research trip in the Dominican Republic. This was unfortunately not the first time she experienced sexual violence. “The way we address this as a society is to make it very clear that we condemn this behavior.”

Danyol’s Story

Danyol Jaye was sexually abused and raped repeatedly by his older cousin between the ages of 7 and 10. “I just want people to know that they don’t have to be afraid of their truth. Your truth is important, your truth is needed.”

Sharon's Story

Sharon Billings was sexually assaulted and abused by her husband over the course of four years. It started with controlling behavior and emotional abuse and escalated to become increasingly violent. “The biggest thing for me was when I got to the point where I could let go of responsibility for my husband’s actions. I held myself accountable for a long time.”

Tiffany's Story

Tiffany living far from home and training for the Olympics in figure skating when she was sexually abused by her coach's husband. She shares her story of resilience and strength to let survivors know they are not alone.

Megan's Story

At just 17, Megan enlisted in the Marine Corps, seeking financial and professional independence, and a chance to serve in the armed forces. She’s overcome many obstacles to get to where she is today, including experiencing sexual assault on base.

Cheryl’s Story

When Cheryl Cloyd Robbins was nine years old, she was sexaully abused by the school bus driver. Cheryl talks openly about living with the effects of sexual abuse, surviving a suicide attempt, and utlimately finding her voice. 

Monica's Story

Monica Calzada was intoxicated when she left a college party with her ex-boyfriend’s best friend. “It turned out to be the biggest mistake of my life.” It wasn’t until she started telling her story more openly that she began to process and acknowledge what happened.

Barbara’s Story

It wasn’t until she was talking to a classmate that Barbara realized the experience wasn’t normal. It can be challenging for teens, who are new to dating, to recognize that sexual assault and abuse may be part of an abusive relationship
