The 2016 presidential election has put sexual violence front and center. To ensure that it becomes a national priority, not just a campaign talking point, RAINN supporters are calling on the next president and 115th Congress to help.
“Sexual violence affects nearly every family in America. While we are glad that it has become an important part of the national conversation, we want to make sure that combating it is also an important goal of the next administration and Congress,” said Scott Berkowitz, president of RAINN. “By signing this petition, supporters are letting the next president know just how important this issue is, and pledging to do what they can to help."
According to the Justice Department, one in six women and one in 33 men will experience sexual assault at some point in their lives. On average, there are 288,820 victims (age 12 or older) of sexual violence each year in the United States.
As more headlines continue to bubble to the surface, so do the stories: from friends, family, strangers, and celebrities—on Twitter, on television, and in family rooms across the country.

RAINN has created a petition to send to the next president of the United States and 115th Congress to make ending sexual violence a top priority. Sign the petition and learn more about ways to support survivors of sexual violence.