RAINN Policy Reports

Explore RAINN's policy priorities, celebrate the latest wins, and take action on critical legislation.

The RAINN Policy Report keeps you connected to the state and federal laws that help survivors and bring perpetrators to justice.

September 2024: The Laws Don’t Make Themselves! Here’s How RAINN Pushes Policy All Year

What's inside:

RAINN Marks Major Wins for DNA Backlog, Statute of Limitations

Summer can be slow for policymakers, but here at RAINN, July was anything but low-key. The month's milestone moments included major advances for ending the rape kit backlog, criminalizing online and AI-assisted sexual abuse, and expanding statutes of limitations so more survivors can seek justice:

‭RAINN's Recommendations for Effective Legislation

RAINN's issue-focused memos provide a comprehensive look at today's most pressing sexual violence issues. Leverage our expert insights to create and advance meaningful legislation that supports survivors of sexual violence and delivers justice to perpetrators.

Debbie Smith Act

Since 2004, the Debbie Smith Act has been helping to end the backlog of untested rape kits.



Policy Corner March 2023

On February 14, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing entitled Protecting Our Children Online. During the hearing, experts in the field advised senators on the risks to children on the internet today, including grooming and sexual exploitation.
