
Latest News| May 9, 2024

N.Y. Legislators, RAINN and New York City Anti-Sexual Violence Organizations Call for Admission of Evidence of Prior “Bad Acts” In Sex Crime Cases

N.Y. Legislators, RAINN and New York City Anti-Sexual Violence Organizations Call for Admission of Evidence of Prior “Bad Acts” In Sex Crime Cases ...

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May 21, 2024

Pei's Story

She was 5 years old when a relative began sexually abusing her. For over four decades, she buried her pain. Then she discovered: she wasn’t alone.

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Latest News | February 28, 2012
Private Practice Partners with RAINN As ABC Makes TV History

ABC made television history this month when its hit drama, Private Practice, ran a storyline about a male survivor of sexual assault.

Latest News | February 26, 2012
The Key to a Successful Non-Profit: Wall Street Journal Highlights RAINN

Earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal's MarketWatch profiled RAINN's president and founder, Scott Berkowitz, in a piece about running successful non-profits, giving back and making a difference.

Latest News | January 25, 2012
FBI Changes its Definition of Rape

For the first time, rapes of men and statutory rape will be included in the official statistics that the FBI collects for the annual Uniform Crime Report (UCR).

Latest News | November 27, 2011
The Kate Puzey Peace Corps Volunteer Protection Act of 2011 Signed into Law by President Obama

President Obama signed the Kate Puzey Peace Corps Volunteer Act into law on November 21st.

Latest News | August 22, 2011
87,476 Victims Take Their First Step Towards Recovery Online

Five years ago this month, RAINN transformed the field of victim services with the launch of the National Sexual Assault Online Hotline, the web's first secure hotline service. The Online Hotline's innovative approach and cutting edge technology have allowed victims and survivors to get the help...


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