N.Y. Legislators, RAINN and New York City Anti-Sexual Violence Organizations Call for Admission of Evidence of Prior “Bad Acts” In Sex Crime Cases ...
She was 5 years old when a relative began sexually abusing her. For over four decades, she buried her pain. Then she discovered: she wasn’t alone.
As part of its renewal of the Violence Against Women Act, the House of Representatives today passed the Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence Reporting (SAFER) Act, which will help eliminate the backlog of untested DNA evidence from unsolved rape cases and take countless rapists off the streets
Whether you are headed to the beach or overseas or taking part in a service trip, it’s important to keep your safety top of mind this spring break. College aged students are at the highest risk for being sexually assaulted
On Monday, February 18, and Tuesday, February 19, The Ricki Lake Show will air a special two-part series on sexual violence. The shows will profile four courageous members of RAINN’s Speakers Bureau.
FOX’s hit crime show, Bones, has collaborated with RAINN for its episode airing Monday, February 18. The show’s storyline involves drug-facilitated sexual assault.
In a strong bipartisan act today, the Senate voted to renew the landmark Violence Against Women Act.
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