
Latest News| Sep 17, 2024

RAINN Statement on Sean “Diddy” Combs N.Y. Grand Jury Indictment

In response to the charges of racketeering, conspiracy, and sex trafficking against Sean “Diddy” Combs, RAINN released the following statement: ...

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May 21, 2024

Pei's Story

She was 5 years old when a relative began sexually abusing her. For over four decades, she buried her pain. Then she discovered: she wasn’t alone.

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Latest News | March 26, 2017
RAINN Launches Interactive Statutes of Limitations Tool

Evaluating the landscape of statutes of limitations for sex crimes just got a lot easier, thanks to RAINN’s new interactive tool.

Latest News | March 07, 2017
RAINN Backs New Bill to Protect Athletes from Sexual Abuse

A bipartisan team of senators, led by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), introduced a bill that hopes to change the way sporting organizations prevent and respond to incidents of sexual violence.

Latest News | January 19, 2017
RAINN Experts Gear up for 2017 with Bipartisan Supporters

 RAINN and lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are gearing up to address sexual violence and strengthen laws that hold perpetrators accountable for these crimes in 2017.

Latest News | December 01, 2016
Congress Passes Justice for All Act; Heads to the President’s Desk for Signature

In a political climate defined by party divisions, there was a bipartisan win for survivors of sexual violence this Thursday, with the passage of the Justice for All Act Reauthorization Act of 2016. The Act will expand resources to prevent and respond to crimes of sexual violence.

Latest News | October 19, 2016
RAINN Calls on Next President and Congress to End Sexual Violence, Starts National Petition

The 2016 presidential election has put sexual violence front and center. To ensure that it becomes a national priority, not just a campaign talking point, RAINN supporters are calling on the next president to help.


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