
Latest News| Sep 17, 2024

RAINN Statement on Sean “Diddy” Combs N.Y. Grand Jury Indictment

In response to the charges of racketeering, conspiracy, and sex trafficking against Sean “Diddy” Combs, RAINN released the following statement: ...

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May 21, 2024

Pei's Story

She was 5 years old when a relative began sexually abusing her. For over four decades, she buried her pain. Then she discovered: she wasn’t alone.

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Latest News | August 09, 2015
Survivor Spotlight: College Campus Sexual Assault

Ti’Air shares how she was moved to take action on her campus.

Latest News | August 09, 2015
State Legislators Tackle Rape Kit Problem

With help from RKAP, dozens of states taking action

Latest News | August 02, 2015
Senate Committee Holds Hearing to Target Campus Sexual Assault

The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee hearing included testimonies on the importance of working with schools to combat campus sexual assault.

Latest News | July 31, 2015
Lleve #RAINNayuda a su comunidad

Empiece la conversación sobre el asalto sexual en su comunidad – con una fundita de cartón para vasos de café a la vez.

Latest News | July 31, 2015
Bring #RAINNayuda to your community

Start the conversation about sexual assault in your community – one coffee sleeve at a time.


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