
Latest News| Sep 17, 2024

RAINN Statement on Sean “Diddy” Combs N.Y. Grand Jury Indictment

In response to the charges of racketeering, conspiracy, and sex trafficking against Sean “Diddy” Combs, RAINN released the following statement: ...

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May 21, 2024

Pei's Story

She was 5 years old when a relative began sexually abusing her. For over four decades, she buried her pain. Then she discovered: she wasn’t alone.

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Latest News | February 24, 2016
Survivor Spotlight: Julianne

Survivor Julianne shares how being sexually abused at a young age by her father and uncle lead to eating disorders and body dysmorphic disorder later in life. She also explains the multiple theraupeutic techniques that, along with support from friends and family, have helped her to heal. 

Latest News | February 23, 2016
Staff Spotlight: Jennifer Marsh

When Jennifer Marsh joined RAINN as a volunteer recruiter in 2006, the National Sexual Assault Hotline existed only by telephone, but that was all about to change.

Latest News | February 23, 2016
RAINN Partners with Greek Life to Support Survivors

Greek life organizations, and other on-campus groups of influence, are in a unique position to lead conversations about sexual violence and talk about ways to reduce instances of sexual assault on campus. 

Latest News | February 23, 2016
Survivor Spotlight: Elizabeth

Elizabeth shares her experience as a survivor of teen dating violence, which began with her first boyfriend at age 15. 

Latest News | February 10, 2016
New Survey Reveals Fighting Sexual Violence to be Nation’s Top Priority

A new national poll conducted by The Washington Post and Kaiser Family Foundation finds that both men and women identify reducing sexual violence as their top priority in order to improve the lives of women.


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