H.R. 8816 — The PROTECT Our Children Act of 2022 — Provides Support to Rescue Children and Investigate and Arrest Perpetrators of Sex Offenses Against Children

Washington, D.C. — RAINN, the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization, today calls on the House of Representatives to swiftly reauthorize the PROTECT Our Children Act (H.R.8816), which authorizes funding for the agencies that identify and arrest child sexual abuse offenders. The deadline to pass this bill is rapidly approaching.

The act reauthorizes funding for the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force Program, which expired in September. The program provides funding to 61 task forces across the United States. In FY21, ICAC Task Force investigations resulted in the arrest of over 10,000 perpetrators.

“With our children spending an average of five to nine hours online each day, protecting them from sexual exploitation online is more critical than ever. The PROTECT Our Children Act must pass immediately to ensure ICAC Task Forces continue to receive vital resources to identify and rescue children and stop the proliferation of child sexual abuse material,” said Samantha Cadet, director of federal affairs for RAINN.

The bill has already passed the Senate unanimously, and the House needs to reauthorize this legislation through suspension of the rules before the end of this Congress in two weeks.

In response to the alarming rise of child sexual abuse material, RAINN just released Lean On Me: A Caregiver’s Guide To Safeguarding Children And Supporting Healing From Sexual Abuse, a free five-episode video series and guidebook with must-know information for parents and caregivers.



RAINN, the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization, created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline. RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help survivors, help organizations improve their sexual assault prevention and response programs, and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice. If you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence, free, confidential help is available 24/7 by calling 800.656.HOPE (4673) or visiting online.rainn.org.

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