Latest News | November 19, 2013
Instagram Retires #RapeFace after Hearing from RAINN Supporters

We want to educate our friends and families that using the term #rapeface is a not a joke. At RAINN, we recognize that those who have experienced sexual assault may have a long road to recovery.

Latest News | October 30, 2013
RAINN Petition Leads Etsy to Remove Pro-Rape T-Shirts

After a successful online petition led by RAINN, more than a dozen rape-related t-shirts were removed from the site, and ultimately, the seller was banned from Etsy.

Latest News | October 27, 2013
New Survey Says Little Change in Sexual Assault Numbers in 2012

The 2012 National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) shows that the number of sexual assaults has remained fairly steady over the last five years.

Latest News | August 19, 2013
8 Tips to Stay Safe as you Head to Campus This Fall

Heading back to school is an exciting time for the more than 17 million of college students in the U.S., but new environments and new experiences present additional risks and potentially dangerous situations.

Latest News | July 29, 2013
Cleveland Victims: “One Step Closer to Recovery”

In a courageous web video released this month, the three women who were kidnapped and imprisoned in a Cleveland home for over ten years made their first public statements since their rescue.


Tips for Interviewing Survivors

As journalists continue to cover stories related to sexual assault or abuse, it can be helpful to have a better understanding of how to interview survivors of these type of crimes.
