Carolyn's Story

Carolyn experienced child sexual abuse by an older cousin and another sexual assault later in her life. "It’s so healing to talk about it. The more you talk about it, the more you’re letting go, bit by bit. I can feel it exit my body every time I tell my story."

Eileen's Story

Eileen was sexually and emotionally abused by her father starting at age two and sexually abused by her uncle starting at age four. “There was always that darkness inside me, but I didn’t know the root cause for all of it. The floodgates of my memory opened. I spent most of my 20s in a lot of pain and trying to find my way out.”

Katie’s Story

Katie Clark was drugged and raped by strangers during a graduate research trip in the Dominican Republic. This was unfortunately not the first time she experienced sexual violence. “The way we address this as a society is to make it very clear that we condemn this behavior.”

Danyol’s Story

Danyol Jaye was sexually abused and raped repeatedly by his older cousin between the ages of 7 and 10. “I just want people to know that they don’t have to be afraid of their truth. Your truth is important, your truth is needed.”

Adam’s Story

Adam had always enjoyed spending time with his uncle, and would often look forward to sleepovers when they could have extended time together. On one of these occasions when he was 14, their normal activities turned abusive. He was confused by his uncle’s actions; nothing like this had happened before.

Samentha’s Story

After being disheartened by the lack of police response from the first two assaults, Samentha hesitated to report the third rape, which occurred on her college campus.