Latest News | January 08, 2021
Survivors Call for Reforms to Address Racial Disparities in Access to Care and Justice

RAINN Speakers Bureau members joined other survivors of color recently to urge the House Bipartisan Task Force to End Sexual Violence to prioritize actions to address issues that affect Black survivors of sexual violence. The task force, led by Reps. Ann Kuster (D-NH), Jackie Speier (D-CA), Dave...

Latest News | November 05, 2020
How the RAINN Speakers Bureau Creates Political Change

The RAINN Speakers Bureau is a network of more than 4,000 survivors of sexual violence who volunteer to share their stories. Members across the United States share their experiences through the media, community events, artistic projects, and more. “Joining the Speakers Bureau made me feel like I...

Latest News | November 05, 2020
Maryland Working Group Recommends Training for Judges Handling Custody Cases Involving Child Sexual Abuse

For many parents, going to court to fight for custody of their children is unimaginably difficult, and for those who are seeking custody because of child abuse or domestic violence, it can also be the deciding factor for the health and safety of them and their child.“The way children disclose or...

Latest News | October 23, 2020
RAINN Responds to Release of Previous Testimony by Ghislaine Maxwell

“We are encouraged to see more information coming to light. For too long, power and wealth shielded Epstein and Maxwell and prevented the public from knowing the extent and nature of their predatory behavior. RAINN is hopeful that Maxwell, and anyone else who participated in the grooming and abuse...

Latest News | October 02, 2020
RAINN Applauds New Charges Against Harvey Weinstein

“We thank the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office for continuing its investigation and bringing additional charges against Harvey Weinstein. Seeing powerful perpetrators face justice sends a strong message to the public. We continue to be inspired by the survivors speaking out and moments...

