Latest News | September 06, 2019
Press Conference: RAINN Urges Congress to Renew Debbie Smith Act

Today Debbie Smith, a survivor and advocate, alongside RAINN, the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization, held a press conference announcing delivery of over 32,000 signatures from citizens across the nation urging Congress to pass the Debbie Smith Act when it returns next week.

Latest News | July 30, 2019
RAINN Files Amicus Brief in Support of Cosby Conviction

As a court weighs Bill Cosby’s appeal of his conviction, RAINN and its pro bono legal team at Hogan Lovells, LLP, have filed a joint amicus brief arguing to uphold the verdict. The brief makes the case that the testimony of five additional victims who testified against Cosby established a pattern...

Latest News | July 11, 2019
RAINN Statement: Rape Kit Backlog Becomes A 2020 Presidential Campaign Issue

RAINN released a statement following Sen. Kamala Harris’ announcement of a plan to eliminate the rape kit backlog. “An important step for Members of the House of Representatives would be to pass S.820, the Debbie Smith Act, which has passed the Senate and is currently awaiting action by House...

Latest News | July 08, 2019
Rape Kit Law at Risk of Expiring Unless Congress Acts

The federal law that helps state crime labs test tens of thousands of rape kits every year, the Debbie Smith Act, will expire this fall unless Congress acts to renew it. Since 2005, there have been more than 455,000 matches of crime scene evidence to offenders’ DNA. Of these matches, 42 percent—...

Latest News | February 05, 2019
Renewal of Key DNA Bill to be Considered in Congress

Debbie Smith Act Leads to 192,000 DNA Matches The Debbie Smith Act (DSA), the federal government’s primary tool to eliminate the backlog of untested DNA evidence from unsolved rape cases, is responsible for nearly half of all matches to the FBI’s DNA database, CODIS. Now, Congress is about to...

