Latest News | January 08, 2018
RAINN’s Consulting Services Help Organizations Improve Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Programs

As the leading authority on sexual violence, RAINN is comprised of experts in victim services, education and communications, public policy, and technology.

Latest News | December 04, 2017
#2017 in Review: RAINN Supports Record Numbers

With the renewed focus on sexual violence in the news, a record number of survivors turned to RAINN for help. In November alone, RAINN saw a 26 percent increase in hotline traffic, with our victim service programs helping an average of 673 survivors each day. Helping survivors is a year-round...

Latest News | March 26, 2017
RAINN Launches Interactive Statutes of Limitations Tool

Evaluating the landscape of statutes of limitations for sex crimes just got a lot easier, thanks to RAINN’s new interactive tool.

Latest News | January 26, 2017
Aikens Family Honor Sister with Fundraiser for RAINN

Herbie Aikens share's what it's like to organize a memorial fundriaser for RAINN—and offers tips for familes who are still in the grieving process. 

Latest News | January 12, 2017
Insights from the Hotline Room: Self-Care in the New Year

Support specialists from the National Sexual Assault Hotline share tips on practicing self-care in the new year.

