Public Policy | March 13, 2023
Policy Corner March 2023

On February 14, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing entitled Protecting Our Children Online. During the hearing, experts in the field advised senators on the risks to children on the internet today, including grooming and sexual exploitation.

Latest News | June 30, 2021
RAINN Statement on the Reversal of Bill Cosby’s Conviction

Washington, D.C. – RAINN today released the following statement following the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturning Bill Cosby’s conviction for sexual assault: “We are deeply disappointed in today’s ruling by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, and by the message this decision sends to the brave...

Latest News | February 11, 2021
Working in the States to Champion Change

RAINN’s public policy team is working in key states in 2021 to improve support for survivors and champion changes in policy to help more survivors get justice. RAINN’s team of lobbyists is at work in five state legislatures: Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Ohio, and Virginia, partnering with local...

Latest News | January 19, 2021
Highlighting Policy Priorities for the Biden Administration

In a letter to President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris, RAINN outlined 12 actions we’d like to see the administration prioritize to promote justice and support survivors. Click here to read the 12 point plan RAINN outlined.

Latest News | October 23, 2020
RAINN Responds to Release of Previous Testimony by Ghislaine Maxwell

“We are encouraged to see more information coming to light. For too long, power and wealth shielded Epstein and Maxwell and prevented the public from knowing the extent and nature of their predatory behavior. RAINN is hopeful that Maxwell, and anyone else who participated in the grooming and abuse...

