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Survivor Stories

Lilly's Story

Lilly shares her message to supportive friends and family: “It’s not going to be an overnight thing. It could take months or years. The biggest priority is making sure that the person who is being abused understands that this isn’t safe, and that you support them.”


Cheryl’s Story

When Cheryl Cloyd Robbins was nine years old, she was sexaully abused by the school bus driver. Cheryl talks openly about living with the effects of sexual abuse, surviving a suicide attempt, and utlimately finding her voice. 

Monica's Story

Monica Calzada was intoxicated when she left a college party with her ex-boyfriend’s best friend. “It turned out to be the biggest mistake of my life.” It wasn’t until she started telling her story more openly that she began to process and acknowledge what happened.

Alison's Story

Alison worked with a number of law enforcement officials and attorneys to help convict the man who raped her. She believes calling attention to challenging aspects of the criminal justice system may help more survivors feel prepared to report and call attention to weaknesses in the system.

Wendy's Story

Wendy was in college when a stranger hid in her car and raped her, but her rape kit wasn't tested for twenty years. Two decades later, Wendy shares what it means to find justice and to live a full and happy life. 

Debra’s Story

Debra was just 15 years old when the abuse began. It can be difficult for an individual to disclose sexual assault or abuse when they know the perpetrator. It can be especially difficult if the perpetrator is a family member.

Barbara’s Story

It wasn’t until she was talking to a classmate that Barbara realized the experience wasn’t normal. It can be challenging for teens, who are new to dating, to recognize that sexual assault and abuse may be part of an abusive relationship

Julianna’s Story

Julianna's stepfather used to babysit her after school until her mother returned from work. It was on one of these afternoons, when Julianna was just eight years old, that he first exposed himself to her.

Lucy’s Story

After the assault, Lucy lost her voice—a struggle that would be difficult for any survivor, but was heartbreaking to a professional singer like Lucy.

Adam’s Story

Adam had always enjoyed spending time with his uncle, and would often look forward to sleepovers when they could have extended time together. On one of these occasions when he was 14, their normal activities turned abusive. He was confused by his uncle’s actions; nothing like this had happened before.
