The National Sexual Assault Hotline connects callers nationwide with help in their community, thanks to a network of over 1,100 local sexual assault service providers that partner with RAINN. These independent, local providers offer a range of services, from short-term support to long-term care.
Is your center currently an affiliate? Login to update your center’s information.
To apply to become a National Sexual Assault Hotline affiliate you must:
- Operate a 24/7 hotline for sexual violence survivors
- Be a member in good standing with your state coalition
- Include your organization’s information in RAINN’s referral database (
- Provide services and support to anyone affected by sexual violence, including survivors of any age, sex, race, or sexual orientation
- Conduct criminal background checks for all staff, volunteers, advocates, and counselors
- Visit to start an application
For questions or to submit the application, please email
To apply to be listed as a local resource you must:
- Provide services to sexual violence survivors—but don’t operate a 24/7 hotline
- Be a member in good standing with your state coalition
- Provide services and support to anyone affected by sexual violence. Support must be inclusive of survivors of any age, race, gender identity or sexual orientation
- Conduct criminal background checks for all staff, volunteers, advocates, and counselors
- Include your organization's information in RAINN’s referral database (
- Visit to start your application today
For questions or to submit the application, please email
Why should my organization become an affiliate of the National Sexual Assault Hotline?
- Help more survivors. The National Sexual Assault Hotline number appears daily in national media, social media, news programs, television shows, and PSAs, ensuring that people who need help can find it quickly. Callers are automatically connected to affiliates in their area.
- Be listed on All hotline affiliates are listed in RAINN’s referral database, available to millions of visitors to each year in English and Spanish. Other sites also use our database, including the White House’s campus sexual assault initiative.
- Recruit more volunteers. You can list volunteer opportunities on RAINN’s website. You can add or update volunteer needs through our online portal.
- Free training for your staff and volunteers. You can access online training courses on a variety of topics, including helping suicidal and self-harming callers, and professional development for your staff. These self-paced online courses are available through RAINN's education portal: RAINNTrain. Please email to be registered for a RAINN Train account to gain access to these courses.
- Promotional materials. Access multimedia materials that you can use to promote the National Sexual Assault Hotline, including videos, audio PSAs, and print materials.
- Find out how many people you’ve helped. RAINN sends call reports to all affiliates twice a year. If you would like an update before then, email the Affiliate and Resources Manager at RAINN ( with the date range for the report, your center's name and location, and your name and title.
For current affiliates
Log into your account to manage your center's information.
- Update your center’s contact information and the services you provide. Keep your information up-to-date for visitors to RAINN, DoD Safe Helpline, the White House, and other organizations that use RAINN’s database. Be as specific and thorough as possible when listing services that your center provides, and list any special populations that you serve. Let us know what services you offer in Spanish, and we will include it in our Spanish-language database,
- Recruit more volunteers. List your volunteer opportunities in RAINN’s Volunteer Opportunities Search, and visitors will be able to contact your volunteer coordinator directly from the site.
- Free training for your staff and volunteers. You can access online training courses on a variety of topics, including helping suicidal and self-harming callers, and professional development for your staff. These self-paced online courses are available through RAINN's education portal: RAINNTrain. Please email to be registered for a RAINN Train account to gain access to these courses.
- Find out how many people you’ve helped. RAINN sends call reports to all affiliates twice a year. If you would like an update before then, email the Affiliate and Resources Manager at RAINN ( with the date range for the report, your center's name and location, and your name and title.