The Laws In Your State: Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico

From the definition of rape to a person's ability to consent—the laws about sexual violence vary from state to state. Learn more about laws in Puerto Rico.
Rape and Sexual Assault Crime Definitions

How does your state define sexual assault crimes?

Determining Consent


There are a number of factors that determine if a person legally consents, from their age to whether they're incapacitated. Learn about consent in your state.

Mandatory Reporting

Do you suspect that a child or elderly person is being sexually abused? Find out when you’re required to contact the authorities, and how to do so.

Criminal Statutes of Limitations

Even if the crime took place years ago, there may still be time to prosecute. Find out details of your state’s statute of limitations.

Confidentiality Laws

Are you thinking of getting help but worried about confidentiality? Find out how your state protects conversations between victims and sexual assault service providers.

HIV/AIDS Testing of Sex Offenders

Find out if your state allows — or requires — HIV/AIDS testing of suspected or convicted sex offenders.

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DNA evidence can increase likelihood of holding a perpetrator accountable.

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Sexual violence has fallen by half in the last 20 years.

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