RAINN Statement on Washington Post's Suspension of Felicia Sonmez

Washington, D.C. - RAINN, the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization, released the following statement in response to reports that The Washington Post has suspended Felicia Sonmez:

“While our thoughts are with the families of all of the victims of the January 26 helicopter crash, we are deeply concerned by The Washington Post’s actions in placing Felicia Sonmez on administrative leave for sharing an article detailing an allegation of sexual assault in Kobe Bryant’s past.”

“While we don’t diminish Bryant’s professional accomplishments, it is disrespectful to survivors — and history — to pretend that the sexual assault allegation never happened. Punishing a journalist for focusing public attention on a legitimate news story is a dangerous precedent and unworthy of The Washington Post. We are grateful to Sonmez’s colleagues for speaking out against her treatment and in support of victims of sexual violence, and urge the Post to reinstate her immediately.” - RAINN

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