Why Pete Church is Matching RAINN Donations this December

“Survivors need someone to listen to them. These dollars make that happen.”

Pete Church is a member of RAINN’s National Leadership Council and one of the generous donors who has pledged to match contributions RAINN receives through December 31.

Pete shared why he believes sexual violence is a critical issue, why he’s excited to team up with RAINN, and how the match campaign can make a difference.

“You only live one life, so find something that’s noble and worthwhile and where you can help out...that’s what I’m trying to do,” Pete advises.

Because many survivors have come forward recently to share their stories and seek help, RAINN’s hotline has had longer wait times than ever before—up to five and a half hours. “To me it comes down to this,” says Pete. “If the queue is full and a survivor needs to talk to somebody, we’ve got to do something about it.”

Though Pete says he wishes that an anti-sexual violence organization such as RAINN didn’t have to exist—and instead, sexual violence didn’t occur—if there are survivors out there who need help, it’s his mission to make sure they receive it. “There’s nothing that leaves me wanting to help more than knowing the queue on the hotline is full. I’m singularly motivated by that reality.”

That’s why Pete chose to partner with RAINN for its matched donation campaign. “To be part of the match campaign is humbling,” says Pete. “I’ve been very fortunate with what’s come my way in life, but I try not to forget the important things. There are people who need this. I believe in RAINN’s work because it maximizes the use of every donated dollar to help the most people.”

Every 98 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. For Pete, both the prevalence of sexual violence and the trauma that survivors experience because of it, makes it an urgent issue of our time. “I’ve been around a little while now and there hasn’t been anything in my adult life that has had such a social impact that cuts across where we work, our friends, family, and people we love and care about—there’s been nothing that’s as pervasive and real as sexual assault.”

Pete spoke about how contacting RAINN’s National Sexual Assault Hotline is a crucial first step many survivors can take to help them begin the healing process—whether it is immediately after something has happened to them, or years later. “It’s closing that gap between what somebody needs and what is available to them.”

Pete admits that it can be hard to know what cause you should support and what organization will make the most of it. “If your view is that you want to support an organization that puts your donation to good use, then this is a no-brainer. The work RAINN has done with education, prevention, and on the hotline makes these dollars matter.”

To support survivors and participate in RAINN's match campaign, donate now through December 31 at 11:59 p.m. A group of generous individuals will match each donation up to $100,000.

“This is something at the core of how we behave and how we treat each other...how we take care of each other every day. It really is some of the most important work you can do.”

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