RAINN Statement On Kavanaugh Vote

While we are disappointed in the outcome, we are glad that America got the opportunity to hear Dr. Blasey Ford’s testimony. Our nation has learned a lot in the last two weeks about the millions of sexual assault survivors who have stayed silent for years. It has also learned about the long-term damage that sexual violence often does to victims, and the effects on families, on workplaces, and on communities. We commend the thousands of survivors who have reached out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline in recent days. To those who have not yet called 800-656-HOPE or chatted online at RAINN.org, we just want to say: We’re here and ready to help, whenever you feel you are ready to talk about it. 

What are the warning signs for child sexual abuse?

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Every 68 seconds, another American is sexually assaulted.

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