DoD Safe Helpline Launches New Website and New App

Department of Defense Safe Helpline is excited to announce the launch of its new website and app for survivors of sexual assault in the DoD community looking for live support, resources, and information.

DoD survivors, their loved ones, and stakeholders can access and find information from all of Safe Helpline’s online services through the Safe Helpline app or website:

Online Helpline: The Online Helpline allows survivors to chat one-on-one with a trained Safe Helpline staff member through an anonymous, secure instant-messaging format 24/7. Staff are trained to provide anonymous, confidential, crisis intervention services, emotional support, referrals, and information.

Safe HelpRoom: Safe HelpRoom is a group chat service that allows survivors of sexual assault in the military to connect with, and support one another in a moderated and secure online environment. Sessions just for men are also available every Sunday from 1300-1500 ET.

Self-Paced Educational Programs: Safe Helpline offers three unique programs to help those looking for support or information related to sexual assault. Each program was built with a particular audience in mind, but all programs provide valuable information for anyone looking to learn more about sexual assault, its effects, and the support available.

Telephone Helpline: Allows survivors to connect directly to a Safe Helpline staff member for one-on-one support through the Telephone Helpline, 24/7 by calling 877-995-5247 or by calling it directly though the app using Voice over IP (VoIP).

The updated app now includes more security features, more self-care activities, and more information, all while keeping the same features that users in the DoD community have come to depend on. The Safe Helpline website offers valuable information for those looking to better understand what happened to them or a loved one, what DoD’s reporting options are, ways to report retaliation, and how to share feedback with the DoD Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office.

Find more information at or by downloading the Safe Helpline app on the App Store or Google Play. Search: DoD Safe Helpline.

Safe Helpline launched in February 2011 and is operated by SAPRO through a contract with RAINN (the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network) - the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. DoD SAPRO is responsible for the policy and oversight of the Department’s sexual assault prevention and response program. SAPRO works hand-in-hand with the Services and the civilian community to develop and implement innovative prevention and response programs.

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