Hollywood Community Comes Together Against Abuse

Since news of sexual harassment and assault allegations against Harvey Weinstein broke last week, members of the Hollywood community have come forward to share their own experiences and stand against sexual violence. Accounts of assault and harassment at the hands of Weinstein and other Hollywood executives serve as a harsh reminder that sexual harassment can happen anywhere. Earlier this week, RAINN released a statement condemning Weinstein's actions and applauding the bravery of those who spoke out against it. Today, RAINN extends that appreciation to the greater Hollywood community. The former and current employees of Miramax Films, Dimension Films, and the Weinstein Company have come together to fundraise in support of survivors. RAINN thanks them—and all supporters—for continuing to stand against sexual violence. "By holding perpetrators accountable and believing survivors, we can work together to create a culture that does not tolerate sexual violence of any kind," says RAINN vice president of communications Jodi Omear. Funds raised will help RAINN continue its mission to prevent sexual violence, support survivors, and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice.

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