"Talk To Me" During National Suicide Prevention Month

With 3 simple words – talk to me – you let a friend know that you CARE about them and are willing to listen without judgment. During National Suicide Prevention Month in September, the Trevor Project is encouraging people of all ages to become a part of the solution to preventing youth suicide by joining the campaign for conversation: “Talk To Me.” RAINN is a proud partner of this campaign that helps save lives and makes schools safer places.

Sexual assault survivors are more likely to become depressed and at a higher risk for self-harm and suicide. Specifically, victims are 4 times more likely to contemplate suicide.

Get involved by taking the “Talk To Me” pledge and vow to be a person that anyone can TALK to when they need your support. You can also write a message to a friend on a sticky note telling them you are there to talk if they ever need you, and leave it in a creative place.

Learn more about Talk to Me, a campaign for conversation from The Trevor Project at www.TrevorTalkToMe.org

If you are in crisis or thinking about suicide you deserve immediate support. Please call the Trevor Lifeline: 1-866-488-7386

If you or someone you know has been affected by sexual violence, talk to someone who understands what you’re going through. You are not alone. Help is available 24/7 through the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800.656.HOPE and online at rainn.org.

The rape kit backlog is currently one of the biggest obstacles to prosecuting perpetrators of sexual violence.

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Out of every 1,000 sexual assaults, 310 are reported to the police.

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A $25 monthly gift can educate 15,000 people about preventing sexual violence. Can you think of a better way to spend $1 a day?

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