Elon University Wins 2013 RAINN Day Contest

By educating fellow students with a creative stop-motion PSA, Elon University in North Carolina won the 2013 RAINN Day Multimedia Contest! EFFECT (Elon's Feminists for Equality, Change and Transformation) also collected signatures of fellow students who pledged their support to end sexual violence on campus.



Nearly 300 schools competed for the award, holding events ranging from photo displays and speak-outs to roundtables and art projects.

The Women’s Center at University of Maryland - Baltimore County helped raise awareness of consent and RAINN Day with the question: “How do you ask for a kiss?” while handing out Hershey’s Kisses.

The Women’s Initiative, American University’s RAINN Day host, asked students to fill out paper raindrops to show support for their peers affected by sexual violence. Their RAINN Day efforts were also featured on MTV.

Elon University RAINN Day organizer and co-president of EFFECT Delaney McHugo said, “We are so thankful for all of the work RAINN does every day, and we are ecstatic that our PSA will do some good in a world that desperately needs it. Because of this, we are the most inspired, invigorated and invested we have ever been. We are forever grateful to RAINN and we cannot wait for next year's RAINN Day.”

“Congratulations to Elon University and all of the colleges that participated in RAINN Day 2013,” said Megan Erhardt, spokesperson for RAINN. “This year, we were particularly impressed with the creative ways students across the country worked together to make ending sexual violence on campus a priority.”

The RAINN Day Multimedia Contest extends the impact of RAINN Day year round through social media and encourages students to utilize different and creative ways to fight sexual violence.

Read more about Elon University’s RAINN Day on MTV Act.

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