As Seen on Dateline: Talking to Your Kids about Sexual Assault

Promotional card. My Kid Would Never Do That. Dateline Sunday 8/7c.

Sexual assault can be a difficult subject to talk about, especially between parents and their kids, but it’s one that can be folded into the safety conversations you’re already having. While there’s no one “right” way to start these conversations, try using the media to make it relevant. Ask your teen’s opinion on something happening on social media, in the news, or on TV. By asking questions, you’ll show your teen that you value their point of view, which may open the door for more conversation.

RAINN worked closely with NBC’s Dateline for an episode of Dateline’s “My Kid Would Never Do That” series that dealt with teens and sexual assault. RAINN’s vice president of communications, Katherine Hull Fliflet, spoke with Dateline about the important role that teens can play in keeping their friends safe. as well as how teens and parents can support survivors just by choosing the right words. Also in the episode, survivor Jacqueline Sacco, a member of RAINN’s Speakers Bureau, shared her story with real teens and spoke about the realities of sexual assault.

Start the conversation with your teen:

Learn more about the topics discussed in this episode:

Take Action with RAINN:

If you or someone you know has been affected by sexual violence, it’s not your fault. You are not alone. Help is available 24/7 through the National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800-656-HOPE and, y en español:

What are the warning signs for child sexual abuse?

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Every 68 seconds, another American is sexually assaulted.

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More than 87 cents of every $1 goes to helping survivors and preventing sexual violence.

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