Sexual Assault Is Not “Locker Room Talk”: RAINN’s Statement on the Trump Tape

Bragging or joking about sexual violence is offensive and unacceptable. “Any language that condones sexual assault, no matter where it takes place, is not okay,” said Jodi Omear, RAINN’s vice president for communications. “Fortunately, this is not the kind of talk heard in most locker rooms. It's the kind of talk we usually only hear from people who don't know the difference between appropriate behavior and sexual violence."

This crime affects nearly every family in America—one in every six women and one in every 33 men will experience sexual violence at some point in their lives, according to the Justice Department. The victims are women and men, adults and children. In fact, every two minutes, another American becomes a victim of sexual assault.

As news coverage about sexual violence continued to make headlines, RAINN saw an increase in people turning to the National Sexual Assault Hotline for support.

“Our hotline staff started to see an increase in calls and doubled our staff for the weekend shifts,” said Brian Pinero, RAINN’s vice president for victim services. “There were times when there were 20-30 people in our queue.” Overall, the National Sexual Assault Hotline had a 33% increase in online sessions over the previous weekend.

When a survivor discloses what happened, a supportive reaction can make all the difference. It’s not always easy to find the right words to say, but simply listening and believing could encourage those who are affected to step forward, speak out, and find help.

If you experienced or someone you know has experienced sexual assault, know that you are not alone and what happened was #notokay. You can find support any time, 24/7 at 800.656.HOPE, or ( en español).

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