Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention Month 2021: How to Get Involved

This Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (#SAAPM), RAINN is making it easy for you to get involved virtually as we show support for survivors, take action, and help raise awareness of sexual violence online and in your community.

“Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month offers everyone an opportunity to get involved in the fight against sexual violence in our communities,” says Heather Drevna, RAINN’s vice president of communications. “With much of our lives still taking place virtually, we’ve once again made it easy for people to come together, learn, share resources, and show support online.”

Below RAINN has everything you need—you can learn about the rules of consent, sign up for events, get resources to share online, and check out our custom #SAAPM graphics and filters so you can easily share, tweet, and tag with @RAINN throughout the month.

Learn Why #ConsentRULES

For SAAPM 2021, we’re talking about things you need in every relationship: consent and boundaries. Our theme this year is “#ConsentRules,''and we’re going to be sharing the five rules of consent throughout April on our social media and website.

“Our goal is to raise awareness of healthy and enthusiastic consent, inform the public on ways to respect people’s boundaries, and prevent sexual assault in our communities,” says Drevna. “And consent doesn’t only apply to sexual activity. It’s important to get consent for any activity that may interact with another person’s boundaries.”

Click here to review 5 rules for obtaining, confirming, and honoring consent.

Spread the Word on Social Media

With everything still largely virtual, using social media to spread important messages about consent and healing for survivors is more important than ever. Follow RAINN on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for unique, shareable graphics and posts to help spread awareness, statistics about sexual violence to your friends, family, and social networks. Use our toolkit and your social media to take a stand and show support for survivors with our custom Instagram and Snapchat filters. Share our posts, tag @RAINN, and encourage others to do the same. You never know who needs to see your post this #SAAPM.

Take Part in RAINN Day

RAINN Day is an annual day of awareness and action about sexual violence held on college campuses around the country during Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. This year, RAINN Day will be held on Thursday, April 8, with special events throughout the week culminating with a special online celebration on April 8 at 9 p.m. ET on YouTube and Facebook featuring performances by Jade Bird, Fletcher, Trapper Schoep, Mimi Page, and Lindsay Ell.

“RAINN Day is a great opportunity for students to run events to raise awareness and become actively engaged in creating safe and respectful campus environments,” says Drevna. “Whether you’re a student leader wanting to plan an event, or don’t have much spare time but want to spread the word on social media—there are many ways you can participate.”

Get ready for RAINN Day this year by downloading the free RAINN Day event planning guide. It has resources, graphics, fliers, guidance on running events, and everything else students and administrators need to lead their campuses in this critical national conversation about sexual violence. RAINN also hosted a planning webinar (available on demand) full of ideas for events and ways to get involved.

For more information about RAINN Day, including event information, sample social media posts, and graphics, visit

Show Your Support on Denim Day

Denim Day—April 28—is an annual, national day of awareness that encourages participants to wear denim as a symbol of believing survivors and asserting that consent has nothing to do with your clothing. Follow us to get updates and post your own #DenimDay photo in solidarity.

Donate to Support Survivors and Double Your Impact

To honor the work our RAINN does every day to support survivors, a group of generous donors have offered to match all donations to RAINN, up to $40,000, now through midnight on April 30. That means a $100 donation from you becomes $200, $300 becomes $600, and so on. Please, give today and encourage others to do the same.

We’re here when you need us.

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More than 87 cents of every $1 goes to helping survivors and preventing sexual violence.

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