Seven Things You Can Do This April

A group of people have their hands together in the air in a group cheer

You can make a difference by joining RAINN this April in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (#SAAPM). More than a quarter of a million people are sexually assaulted each year in the U.S., but you have the power to help change that. Here are some things you can do to support survivors and join the fight against sexual violence:

  • Share the National Sexual Assault Hotline: It’s never too late to let a friend know you care, and it’s never too late to get help. Share this resource with those in need: or 800.656.HOPE.
  • Get social: Connect with RAINN on Facebook, Twitter, <a href=">Pinterest</a> and <a data-cke-saved-href=" https:="""" rainn="" "="">Instagram for shareable content, including specific ways you can care for your friends. Share RAINN’s #SAAPM graphics, tweet statistics and don’t forget to include the hashtag #SAAPM.
  • Talk to Congress: Ask your members of Congress to support the bipartisan Campus Accountability and Safety Act, (S. 590/H.R. 1310) a bill that reforms how colleges address sexual violence on campus. Visit the RAINN Action Center to learn more about how you can #ActWithRAINN.
  • Volunteer: Consider offering your time to help survivors of sexual violence. Volunteer for a sexual assault service provider in your area, take action on campus or share your story with others. Check out to get started!
  • Become a RAINNmaker: By volunteering to raise money to support the National Sexual Assault Hotline, you can ensure that survivors get the recovery help they deserve. Sign up today.
  • Go to a screening of The Hunting Ground. Watch the new documentary about campus sexual assault to hear from survivors about their experiences, as well as to learn how many are taking action to end rape on college campuses. Find a screening near you.
  • Double your impact: Just $42 helps one survivor receive the help they deserve through the Online Hotline, and this April your gift to RAINN will be matched dollar for dollar by fellow supporters. Visit to make your gift.

RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization and was named one of "America's 100 Best Charities" by Worth magazine. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800.656.HOPE and in partnership with more than 1,000 local rape crisis centers across the country and operates the DoD Safe Helpline for the Department of Defense. The hotlines have helped more than two million people since 1994. RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice. For more information about RAINN, please visit

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Every 68 seconds, another American is sexually assaulted.

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More than 87 cents of every $1 goes to helping survivors and preventing sexual violence.

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