Self-Care: Write a letter to your future self

For the month of July, let’s take some quiet time out in our daily routines to write a letter. Writing a letter to yourself at this moment in time, to your past self, or to your future self, can bring about a moment of reflection, healing, and insight. Writing has many benefits for survivors, allowing individuals to tap into their creativity while holding an intimate space for meditation through words.

Below, you will find three different writing prompts to use for the month of July.

  • At this moment, I would like to tell my younger self…
  • To my future self, I would like to say…
  • To my present self, I am proud of you because…

Writing letters to yourself can bring up many feelings, from happiness all the way to sadness. Please take the time you need to create a space that is healing while you write. Light up your favorite candle nearby or put on a calming song in the background. Sit somewhere comfortable and surround yourself with your favorite blankets and pillows. Do what is most comfortable for you while you write.

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