Make Campuses Safer: Review a Prevention Program

Last month, RAINN launched the Prevention Navigator, an online resource to help colleges find the right sexual assault prevention program and give students and administrators a forum to provide feedback on programs.

Prevention education is a critical step toward addressing sexual assault on college campuses. These programs can do more than address a requirement: the right training can foster a more informed student body, improve students’ understanding and response, and ultimately prevent sexual violence. “[RAINN's] Prevention Navigator is absolutely a step in the right direction," Elite Daily noted in a recent article.

Throughout the development process, RAINN worked with college administrators, students, researchers, prevention professionals, and program developers across the country. RAINN used this input and feedback to guide the Prevention Navigator’s construction to best reflect the needs of college campuses nationwide.

“This new tool allows students and administrators across the country to join an important conversation about effective prevention strategies,” said Nancy Amestoy, RAINN's campus programs manager.

The Prevention Navigator is a platform powered by campus communities. That’s why RAINN is counting on students and administrators to review programs with which they have first-hand experience. This critical perspective can help colleges find a prevention program tailored to their community’s needs.

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