Register Now for Fourth Annual Lace Up for RAINN 5K

Registration for the fourth annual Lace Up for RAINN 5K Race is in full swing, and hundreds of runners and fundraisers across the country are planning to lace up their running shoes on May 20, 2017. The annual event raises funds for critical services, like the National Sexual Assault Hotline, and activates communities to learn more about sexual violence.

Lace up for RAINN 5K logo with blue text over a green shoe print. May 20, 2017

Runners can participate in Lace Up for RAINN in two ways: attending the race in Washington, DC, or participating “virtually” in their own communities.


“Last year’s race in DC was such a hit, we knew we had to keep the momentum going,” said Chelsea Bowers, RAINN’s director of development. “We’re hosting the DC race at the Historic Congressional Cemetery once again to accommodate the large group of runners.”

More than 1,200 people participated in last year’s events, and Bowers anticipates this number will grow considerably. “The reality is, sexual violence affects nearly every family in America. People across the country are showing up for survivors like never before—and letting them know they are not alone. Lace Up is one of the ways communities can demonstrate this kind of support, while raising funds for critical services that help survivors every day.”

Lace Up in DC

Join RAINN and hundreds of local runners for a 5k race on May 20, 2017, at the Historic Congressional Cemetery (1801 E Street SE, Washington, DC). This course will be chip-timed and USA Track and Field certified. Packet pickup will be available the week before the event and at the event on race day. Sign up now to secure a spot—you can even start your own team.

Lace Up in your community

The virtual 5K allows you to support survivors wherever you live. On May 20, organize friends and family to walk, run, or even bike a 5k in support of survivors. Sign up now and ask your friends to join.

RAINN is offering opportunities to be featured as an event sponsor in 2017. To become a Lace Up for RAINN Sponsor, please contact Chelsea Bowers at or 202.544.3561

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