Earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal's MarketWatch profiled RAINN's president and founder, Scott Berkowitz, in a piece about running successful non-profits, giving back and making a difference.
From the early days of RAINN in 1994 of stuffing envelopes on his living room floor to today, running the country's largest anti-sexual-violence organization, Berkowitz has treated RAINN like a business: "It's the same mentality most people have when starting a business. Some combo of drive to make it successful and a hatred of defeat," he said.
"RAINN has become the country's largest anti-sexual-violence organization and was named one of 'America's 100 Best Charities' by Worth magazine," WSJ reported. "It's grown from a telephone hotline to an organization that also offers confidential and direct help to victims online, and runs public education and public policy programs focused on prevention and justice for victims. 'As our mission has grown, our biggest priority is to change the way America thinks about and responds to the crime of sexual violence, while providing survivors with the help that they deserve,' Berkowitz said."
MarketWatch reporter Jeanette Pavini also tapped into Berkowitz's business expertise: "You need a clear mission, you need a thoughtful and aggressive plan, you need to recruit and motivate a great team, you need to execute well and you need to measure results," he said. "What's the point of putting in all that effort unless you're going to be able to see progress, unless you know that you're accomplishing something tangible? "Knowing that our hotlines have helped more than 1.6 million victims means a lot," he continued.
Read the WSJ MarketWatch piece.