Each month, RAINN features a member of its National Leadership Council (NLC). The NLC is a group of dedicated individuals who have shown their commitment to RAINN’s mission of supporting survivors and ending sexual violence. This month we checked in with author, and RAINN supporter, Jen Sincero.
Why are you passionate about ending sexual violence and why should everyone be?

I'm passionate about ending all violence, and sexual violence in particular, because it's so rampant, destructive, and so often ignored/disbelieved/loaded with shame and guilt.
How can we all be better supporters and advocates for survivors in our lives?
Let them know you're there for them, speak up about injustices, and get involved with organizations working to end sexual violence.
What changes would you like to see in how sexual violence is handled in the U.S.?
I'd like ending it to be more of a priority. I'd like there to be more awareness around it, way more accountability, and more funding and services to help survivors. I'd especially like to see more work being done around healing the fear, and the hatred and sickness at the root of the issue.