“Let’s Continue to Heal Together:” Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention (SAAPM) Month Reflections

For the month of April, RAINN’s messaging for Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month was to #HEALTogether. RAINN shared a message of hope and healing by hosting live events and dialogues on sexual violence and child sexual abuse material (CSAM), sharing resources and educational content on these issues, and by bringing our community together in outreach efforts to college-aged students, parents/caregivers, stakeholders, donors, advocates, policymakers, and our RAINN community.

Our messaging encouraged survivors, from different backgrounds, to come together in unity, support, and empathy. While spreading the message of hope and healing nationally, we reached survivors through our social media platforms, through internal and external newsletters, and with partners that we have had the privilege to eradicate sexual violence with.

Reflecting on SAAPM 2023 Resources/Educational Content/Policy Work

RAINN produced content, available on rainn.org, which offers additional resources and explanations of how individuals can heal together. Some of the content includes:

  • 2023 SAAPM Toolkit #HEALTogether: RAINN’s #HEALTogether toolkit encourages the survivor community and their loved ones to come together in their healing from sexual violence and the dangers online. Leaning on each other during times of hardship, and during times of triumph, can provide individuals a sense of safety and belonging while healing from trauma.
  • 5 Red Flags and 5 Tips to Protect Your Child Online: Read RAINN’s 5 red flags on child sexual abuse material and examples of how predators often attempt to gain power, access, and control over children online. Bonus: 5 tips for parents and caregivers on preventing child sexual abuse material.
  • Healing from CSAM for Survivors and Parents/Caregivers: Learning that images of your — or your child’s — sexual abuse are online can be devestating. Here are some strategies that you may find helpful in your individual healing journey.
  • Congress Introduces Legislation to Rescue Children Who are Being Exploited Online: Bill Designates Funding for Law Enforcement and Prosecutors to Target the Most Dangerous Perpetrators and Distributors of Child Sexual Abuse Online
  • Parent/Caregiver National Survey on Protecting Children Online: RAINN commissioned a survey from YouGov to determine parental/caregiver awareness of online dangers for children and young adults. The survey also explored parent/caregiver expectations of personal and institutional responsibility for protecting children from being exploited or exposed to child sexual abuse material.
  • #WhatIWish: A Healing Journey through Reflection and Advocacy: The #WhatIWish campaign, part of the Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (SAAPM) initiative, offers a unique opportunity for survivors and allies to engage in self-care and healing while raising awareness about the dangers of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) online.
  • Sign RAINN’s SAAPM Pledge 2023: It only takes a few minutes to learn how to “#HEALtogether” and this can set a path to healing and recovery. Add your name today to the pledge that you will “#HEALtogether.”
  • SAAPM 2023 en Espanol: #SANARjuntos alienta a la comunidad de sobrevivientes y a sus seres queridos a unirse en su sanación de la violencia sexual y los peligros en línea. Apoyarse unos en otros durante los momentos de dificultad y en los momentos de triunfo puede brindar a las personas una sensación de seguridad y pertenencia mientras se recuperan del trauma.

SAAPM 2023 Live Events

  • RAINN Day: April 18th was RAINN Day. We hosted a live event on Instagram, including our Victim Services, Policy, and Spanish Outreach program and our first live Fireside Chat with Speakers Bureau Member Lorward Choi. Lorward discussed “#WhatIWish I knew as a college student to help keep myself safe.” You can find the recording of the live on our YouTube channel.
  • How to Navigate CSA as a Parent/Caregiver: Listen to a conversation with RAINN Speakers Bureau members about how survivors who have experienced child sexual abuse require different types of support as they are navigating parenthood with their children.

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