Lawmakers Making a Difference

Rep. Abigail Spanberger

I appreciate RAINN’s policy leadership and advocacy as we work together to prevent sexual assault and support victims’ safety and healing. In Congress, I am proud to work with RAINN to ensure Central Virginia’s child protective services and law enforcement agencies have the tools they need to protect kids from abuse and exploitation. As a former federal agent, I know that this focus is particularly important as technology and the COVID-19 pandemic present new and evolving challenges for those working to protect kids and their families.

Rep. Abigail Spanberger, D-VA
RAINN is a critical ally in the fight to help victims of sexual assault and violence. I share their commitment to eradicating these heinous crimes by providing survivors with a vast network of support and resources to ensure that they are kept safe and have the tools to recover emotionally and physically. As a long-time advocate against sexual violence, I look forward to continuing to work with RAINN on efforts to bolster prevention, education, and enforcement to ensure a safe and healthy environment for women and families in Connecticut and across the country. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-CT
Preventing sexual assault is an important cause that every American should learn more about and find ways to support. As the largest anti-sexual assault organization in America, the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network is an outstanding organization that helps millions of helpless victims through counseling for women and influencing policy and, as a member of Congress and an American, I am proud to support this compassionate program. Rep. Robert Aderholt, R-AL
We must do all we can to prevent sexual violence from occurring, to help victims receive the help and support they need and to punish the perpetrators of these crimes. Since my days in state government, I have advocated on behalf of the victims of sexual assault. I am grateful to RAINN's shared commitment to this work. I look forward to working with RAINN to pass legislation such as the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act and passage of the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act. Sen. Bob Casey, D-PA
RAINN's great work cannot be overstated and should not be overlooked. As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I have been proud to work closely with RAINN to support multiple pieces of legislation that target the perpetrators of sexual violence and protect the victims of these terrible crimes. I look forward to continuing this important partnership with RAINN in the years to come. Sen. John Cornyn, R-TX
As a co-founder of the Congressional Victims Rights’ Caucus, I commend RAINN for the critical services they provide to victims of sexual violence and their role in educating our youth about the dangers of sexual assault. I look forward to continuing to partner with RAINN … to advance our mutual goals of prevention, education, and support. Rep. Jim Costa, D-CA

RAINN goes beyond just raising awareness by engaging in important public policy debates and providing important tools to fight sexual assault. I am pleased to join with RAINN and colleagues on both sides of the aisle to advocate on behalf of the victims of sexual violence. [The SAFER Act is] an important tool in this fight by helping ensure the accurate and efficient use of DNA evidence.

Former Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick, R-PA
RAINN provides a critical lifeline and support system to victims of sexual violence, which happens all too often in California and in communities across the country. I’m working hard to... to combat domestic violence and sexual assault, and to pass [legislation] to improve law enforcement’s ability to track sexual assault and prevent violent crimes. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-CA

I continue to work in the United States Senate to ensure that our nation’s laws safeguard Utahns, as well as all Americans, and ensure that the needs of victims and the interests of justice are served. I am committed to being a voice for citizens who fall prey to sexual assaults, and I will continue to advocate for laws that bring sex offenders to justice and strengthen law enforcement tools and resources, such as RAINN's National Sexual Assault Hotlines.

Former Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-UT

I want to thank RAINN for its advocacy on behalf of victims of sexual violence and its dedication to prevention, education and assistance. It is critical that Congress work to protect victims of sexual violence. I will continue to be a leading voice for victims in the Senate, and look forward to continuing to work with RAINN to end violence against women.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-NY

Love never comes with black eyes and bruises. As a founder and co-chair of the Victims’ Rights Caucus and a lifetime advocate for victims, I am proud to support RAINN in their efforts to be a voice for victims of sexual violence. I look forward to working with RAINN to raise awareness about the dangers of sexual assault and advocate for victims of these terrible crimes.

Former Rep. Ted Poe, R-TX
RAINN has long been at the forefront of national efforts to prevent sexual assault and has helped millions of victims, families, friends, and community members — all touched by violent crime. As a former prosecutor, I am proud to support the nation’s largest anti-sexual assault organization and stand committed to joining RAINN in its efforts to improve services to victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice. Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-MN

While Congress can make tough laws to help catch and incarcerate sexual offenders, groups like RAINN can provide support and assistance to the victims and their families in order to help them get their lives back together as best they can.

Former Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, R-WI
RAINN continues to be a great partner in our shared mission to eradicate sexual assault from our communities, and ensure every victim has the support needed to recover from the pain associated with these crimes. As a former Sheriff, I have seen firsthand the impact forensic DNA can have on bringing criminals to justice and peace of mind to victims and their families. I will continue to work with RAINN to identify and implement solutions that enable law enforcement officials to more quickly collect and process DNA samples in the pursuit of justice. Together, we will continue to work toward a world free of sexual violence. Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, D-FL
The epidemic of sexual assault and violence in our country is widespread and unacceptable. On college campuses, in our military, and in our communities, far too many women and men are having their basic human rights violated. I am fighting in Congress for stronger measures to provide survivors the support and services they need, hold those responsible accountable, and work with institutions to improve prevention and response. There is so much more work to do, and I am grateful to partners like RAINN for their commitment to this effort. Sen. Patty Murray, D-WA
We must do all that we can to help the victims of sexual assault rebuild their lives. As a mother and a grandmother, this issue is close to my heart. The work RAINN does to help victims of sexual violence is so important, and I applaud RAINN's work on the Campus Accountability and Safety Act, which I am proud to co-sponsor. I look forward to continuing to work with RAINN on this legislation and other efforts to fight back against the terrible crime of sexual assault. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-WV
RAINN is an outstanding resource on confronting sexual assault. Most recently, we've worked together on the bipartisan Campus Accountability and Safety Act. This bill has provisions to ensure that colleges treat sexual assault cases with the seriousness they deserve. RAINN and I agree that sexual assault is a major criminal offense. It should be treated as a crime wherever it occurs, whether that's in the military or on a college campus. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-IA
We have accomplished a lot in the 113th Congress for survivors of sexual violence, both by greatly expanding protections in the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, and reauthorizing the Debbie Smith DNA Backlog Reduction Program, which has reduced the backlog of untested rape kits so that victims need not live in fear while rape kits languish in storage. Congress's work for victims is not done. Before the end of the year, we must reauthorize the Justice for All Act, which expands important rights for victims of crime and improves confidence in our criminal justice system. All victims deserve our support. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-VT

I commend RAINN for its dedication to provide victims and survivors of sexual assault with the vital services and resources they need and deserve. There is no place in any society for acts of sexual assault. I am proud to raise awareness on this issue and will continue to work in the Senate advocating for legislation combatting sexual violence and helping survivors of these crimes.

Former Sen. Dean Heller, R-NV
RAINN has been a critical lifeline for survivors of sexual assault, providing support and resources for hundreds of thousands of people whose lives have been affected by sexual violence. As lawmakers, we should be doing everything in our power to help prevent sexual assault, provide support for survivors and make it easier to bring the perpetrators of these horrific acts to justice. Whether we are working to reduce the backlog of untested rape kits or ensuring the funding of critical programs through the Violence Against Women Act, I am committed to standing side-by-side with RAINN in the continued fight to combat sexual violence through education, advocacy and support. Sen. Chris Murphy, D-CT

I share RAINN's commitment to helping survivors of sexual violence. It is vital that we work together on all fronts to ensure that victims of these violent crimes receive the support that they deserve and that perpetrators are put behind bars. Improving public policy, increasing awareness of the long-term effects of sexual assault, and supporting RAINN's National Sexual Assault Hotlines are important ways that we can both support survivors and reduce the number of sexual assaults across the country.

Former House Speaker, John Boehner

Victims of violence shouldn’t have to wait for justice. Unfortunately, the current rape kit backlog forces them to do just that—and sometimes it prevents justice altogether. That’s simply not acceptable. The SAFER Act will target the backlog and strengthen the tools available to law enforcement so they can work more quickly and efficiently to bring offenders to justice. I look forward to continuing to work with RAINN to move this critical piece of legislation forward.

Sen. Michael Bennet, D-CO

I thank RAINN for their vital role in working to prevent sexual assault, assist assault victims, and bring those to justice who perpetrate these heinous acts. Sexual assault is intolerable, and those responsible should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I am proud to cosponsor the SAFER Act, which is supported by RAINN. I am hopeful this bill will … bring closure to rape cases and prevent further sexual assault.

Sen. Richard Burr, R-NC

RAINN is a valued national resource which supports and empowers victims of sexual and domestic violence. I applaud its work and I [was] proud to be a co-sponsor of the SAFER Act (H.R. 1523 — endorsed by RAINN). I look forward to a continued partnership with RAINN in our fight to keep all safe from sexual violence and raising awareness about this critical issue.

Former Rep. Bob Brady, D-PA

I commend RAINN for its dedicated efforts to prevent domestic violence and sexual assault, and its commitment to raising public awareness about these critical issues. RAINN is a national leader in providing vital resources and services to abuse survivors and helps ensure that they get the help and support they need. I will continue to support efforts at the federal level to prevent and raise awareness about sexual violence.

Sen. Susan Collins, R-ME

RAINN provides critical services to survivors of sexual abuse. In countless cases, the services provided by RAINN literally save lives. I am proud to support RAINN as it continues its mission to serve those who have been abused and raise awareness to end the cycle of violence.

Former Rep. Lois Capps, D-CA

In our individual and collective efforts to combat sexual violence, nothing is more vital than groups like RAINN who provide the crucial services to our communities, offering safety and healing for victims and their children and raising awareness of the negative consequences of sexual abuse across the nation. As an ardent supporter of efforts to increase awareness and ultimately prevent sexual violence and abuse, I am thankful for the tireless commitment of RAINN to this effort.

Sen. Mike Crapo, R-ID

I am proud to work with RAINN to help victims of sexual violence, which is an issue I care deeply about. As a member of the Judiciary Committee, I am happy to have RAINN as an ally, as we work diligently to bring up and hopefully pass this important legislation next Congress that will benefit victims and help them on their way to self-recovery.

Rep. Judy Chu, D-CA

I commend RAINN for being a national leader in the prevention of sexual abuse and for the extraordinary support and services they provide victims of sexual abuse. The services RAINN provides victims helps them overcome the trauma of this heinous crime. I look forward to working with RAINN to do all we can to educate the public about sexual abuse and help sexual abuse victims.

Rep. Mario Diaz Balart, R-FL

RAINN provides victims of sex abuse with the help they need to recover. Their services are free, safe and confidential. We must do everything in our power to end sex abuse, and that is why I am committed to working with RAINN to expand victim’s rights and make our communities safer through their awareness, support and prevention programs.

Rep. Steve Cohen, D-TN

Every two minutes someone in the United States is sexually assaulted. Victims deserve justice, not further victimization by the system designed to protect them. The state of Illinois faces a horrific rape kit backlog with just 6% of reported rapes having kits tested over the past decade. The SAFER Act will give law enforcement nationwide better capabilities to track sexual assault cases and prevent these vicious crimes. Organizations like RAINN provide essential support and services to sexual assault victims and it is important that we continue to work with RAINN to raise awareness on this important issue.

Former Sen. Mark Kirk, R-IL

Sexual assault is an evil that thrives in darkness. When we shine light on these horrific acts by educating the public, empowering the victims, and punishing the offenders, we can help break the cycle of abuse. I share RAINN’s commitment to empowering victims of sexual assault and will continue working to help ensure we are doing all we can to prevent crimes, support survivors and bring perpetrators to justice.

Sen. Chris Coons, D-DE

I stand with RAINN in my commitment to making sure victims of sexual violence are given the help they need to recover. We must do everything we can to reduce sexual assaults, protect the innocent and make sure the perpetrators of these awful crimes are brought to justice. This is a cause that everyone in America should understand and support.

Former Rep. Tom Latham, R-IA

RAINN is an indispensable leader in our nationwide struggle against sexual assault, domestic abuse, and all forms of sexual violence. Whether it is the free and confidential services provided to victims of these heinous crimes or the public education campaigns that prevent violence and save lives, RAINN is committed to making our communities and our nation safer.

Rep. Ted Deutch, D-FL

RAINN continues to be a great partner in our shared mission to eradicate sexual assault from our communities, and ensure every victim has the support needed to recover from the pain associated with these crimes. As a former Sheriff, I have seen firsthand the impact forensic DNA can have on bringing criminals to justice and peace of mind to victims and their families. I will continue to work with RAINN to identify and implement solutions that enable law enforcement officials to more quickly collect and process DNA samples in the pursuit of justice. Together, we will continue to work toward a world free of sexual violence.

Former Rep. Dave Reichert, R-WA

Groups such as RAINN lead the dialogue and direction toward policy change to stop sexual violence. I am proud to stand with them. As the lead Democrat on the House Military Personnel Subcommittee, I have worked with my colleagues to put an end to sexual assaults in our military ranks. 

Former Rep. Susan Davis, D-CA

RAINN’s remarkable work ensures that victims of sexual violence have access to the compassionate, professional support they deserve, while their educational initiatives focus on preventing these most heinous crimes. I am proud to stand with RAINN, whose work is a shining example of the good that can come when citizens come together to serve a cause greater than their own self-interest.

Former Sen. John McCain, R-AZ

As a former prosecutor, I’m proud to work with RAINN to ensure law enforcement officials have the tools they need to fight sexual assault and pursue justice for victims. Passing the SAFER Act [was] critical to processing DNA evidence accurately and efficiently and putting criminals behind bars.

Former Rep. Tom Rooney, R-FL

Having worked on violence prevention for many years, I applaud RAINN for raising awareness and increasing services for victims of violent crime. … [I]t is important to recognize the critical safety net services provided to survivors of sexual assault by organizations such as RAINN.

Former Rep. Donna D. Edwards, D-MD

Alaska has the highest rates of sexual assault and domestic violence in the nation. As a born and raised Alaskan and the senior Senator from my state, I am not proud to report these statistics; however, it is a reality that cannot be ignored. At every level — local, state, and federal — we must work to turn the tide of domestic violence and sexual assault. Domestic violence and sexual assault advocates, and service providers in Alaska are on the front lines of an epidemic, and I know that RAINN is an important resource for them. Thank you for the work that you do.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-AK

RAINN is a critical lifeline for victims and survivors of sexual violence. I am grateful for the national leadership and services RAINN provides to those in need. I share RAINN's passion and will work in the Senate to promote its efforts to reduce sexual violence through prevention, education, victim services and enforcing strict sentencing laws. I am confident that together we can identify the methods and resources needed to decrease acts of sexual violence in the United States.

Former Sen. Kay Hagan, D-NC

RAINN rebuilds the lives of countless victims of sexual violence, serving as a vital support system for those in need. Its prevention and awareness initiatives have made our communities stronger, safer and more secure. I appreciate and commend their commitment and hope RAINN will continue to have a healing impact for the thousands of children and adults who are affected by violence each year.

Former Sen. Mark Pryor, R-AR

As a lifelong advocate of women's rights and opportunity, I am committed to preventing sexual violence, supporting survivors, and holding perpetrators accountable. RAINN is a valued partner and trusted ally in our shared effort to accomplish these critical goals. I will continue working with survivors of sexual violence and committed advocates like RAINN to enact public policies that make our community safer.

Former Rep. Nita Lowey, D-NY

The tragic developments at Penn State University have weighed heavy on our hearts, and as our community moves forward and these individuals and their families continue to cope with adversity and pain, we look to continue to raise awareness of abuse and provide victims nation-wide with solace in the fact that they are not alone. RAINN continues to play a vital role for our community in its time of need, lending a helping hand through their services to those that have fallen prey to heinous acts. It is important to know they have a place to go for information and support, and I want thank RAINN for their work to reduce and prevent future sexual assaults in this community and others across the nation.

Rep. Glenn Thompson, R-PA

RAINN’s compassion and advocacy on behalf of those who have suffered unthinkable crimes sets the bar high. As a former prosecutor who has fought in the Senate on behalf of sexual assault victims, I was proud to partner with RAINN to try and help secure federal funding for their National Sexual Assault Hotlines and nationwide rape education and outreach programs. These free, confidential services are vital in the fight against sexual assault.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry

Victims of sexual crimes are among the most vulnerable members of our society. It is critical that Congress protect these victims by recognizing and addressing issues associated with such horrible crimes. As a U.S. Senator, I will continue to support legislation and funding to that end.

Sen. Richard Shelby, R-AL

The DoD Safe Helpline, which will be operated through the support of RAINN, is something I've always advocated for a number of years. Our service members who have been tragically affected by sexual assault will now have an anonymous forum where they can get help in their hour of need, while protecting their identity. I greatly appreciate RAINN's continued support in providing this invaluable asset to our men and women in uniform.

Rep. Mike Turner, R-OH

Throughout my career, I have fought to increase protections for survivors of sexual violence and to ensure that we hold perpetrators accountable. I am continuing that mission by building support for the SAFER Act, a vital step in our efforts to reduce the backlog of untested rape kits. I commend Private Practice actress KaDee Strickland and RAINN for their work on behalf of victims of sexual violence...

Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard, D-CA

I salute RAINN for the national leadership role it has taken in support of the victims of sexual assault. Their everyday work makes a huge difference in the lives of people who, more often than not, have no voice and who struggle daily with the atrocious acts committed against them. There is no place in today’s society for sexual assault or abuse, but unfortunately they take place, so we are fortunate to have an organization such as RAINN ready to take the lead and make a difference. Without a doubt, their yeomen’s work is critical and important to the victims they so honorably help.

Former Rep. Ileana Ros-Lethinen, R-FL

Sexual violence leaves women with emotional and physical scars and it often leaves families torn apart. This is an issue of saving lives, and we must do everything we can in Congress to implement policy that helps rid our communities of these heinous crimes. I applaud RAINN for its tireless leadership, and look forward to continuing working with it to address this issue.

Sen. Robert Menendez, D-NJ

I am proud to have secured federal funds to help RAINN connect with victims of sexual abuse and violence. Often, these victims do not know where to turn for help and the people at RAINN are there to offer them instant care, support and hope amid a horrific crisis.

Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, D-MD

Sexual assault and violence exacts terrible costs on individual lives and our communities. As Chairwoman of the Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations Subcommittee, I [fought] every year to put funds in the federal checkbook to protect Americans from sexual assault and violence, and to provide victims of these crimes the support services they need. I will continue my fight to put funds in the federal checkbook to fund these important programs.

Former Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-MD

Underreporting of sexual assault in the military is a very serious problem. With the expertise of RAINN, the DoD Safe Helpline will provide an invaluable service to members of the Armed Forces by providing an anonymous venue for service members to report this crime and get help.

Former Rep. Niki Tsongas, D-MA

Victims of rape and sexual assault are at much greater risk of depression, substance abuse, and suicide. It’s essential that that survivors of sexual violence have access to counseling and support services to help them cope with such a traumatic event, and I applaud RAINN’s efforts to ensure victims in need have a place they can turn to for support and treatment.

Former Rep. Henry Waxman, D-CA

As a husband, father, and grandfather, I can think of few things more disturbing than a loved one being harmed by sexual violence. We all have a role to play in combatting this heinous crime, and one organization in particular has been a leader in this important effort. The staff of RAINN are to be commended for their unwavering commitment to preventing acts of sexual abuse and caring for victims and their families. Every day they provide invaluable support to men, women, and children, and I am deeply grateful for their service.

Former Rep. John Kline, R-MN

Too many Americans fall victim to sexual assault, and all of us must do our part to prevent future attacks and give victims the justice they deserve. Last year, I was proud to stand with Chairman Leahy to pass the Violence against Women Reauthorization Act, which supported essential tools for preventing and responding to sexual violence. I applaud RAINN for its strong leadership in helping millions of victims and survivors of sexual assault, and I look forward to working with them in the future.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-RI