Speak Out to Members of Congress About Sexual Violence

Later this month, your congressional representatives will return home for August recess. This is an opportunity for you to talk with your lawmakers about important topics like sexual violence. One place you can make a difference is in the lives of young athletes.

Thousands of young athletes are at risk of sexual abuse. Make your voice heard. Reach out to your members of Congress and ask them to support legislation that requires sporting organizations to create and implement safety policies that protect these athletes. You can email your members of Congress at RAINN’s Action Center.

Wondering about other ways to engage with your senators and representatives? Follow some of these easy steps.



First...Find Your Senators and Representatives

The first step in getting involved is knowing who your congressional representatives are. To find your members of Congress, you can use this helpful tool. All you have to do is enter your zip code.

Once you find them, you can visit their websites for helpful information such as the address of their local district offices and office hours.



Meet with Your Senators and Representatives

Schedule to meet with your senator or representative through their state or district offices. You can either meet with them one-on-one, or assemble a small group of survivors, experts, and other activists to attend with you. When you reach out to their office, be sure to flag that you are a constituent – that will also increase your likelihood of getting a meeting.



Take a look at RAINN’s talking points about important issues in the fight for justice, including information about the rape kit backlog and funding for support services. Incorporating, when you’re comfortable doing so, a personal story into the discussion can be powerful.

Attend a Town Hall Meeting

Many legislators hold town hall meetings to hear from individuals in the community. Call your representative’s office or go on their website to find out if there is a town hall meeting scheduled near you.



Invite Your Congressional Representative to Visit Your Organization

If you work at an anti-sexual assault organization or at a local sexual assault service provider (SASP), invite members of Congress and their staff on a tour of your office to learn about the important work you do.



Get Involved Anytime of the Year

You don’t have to wait until August recess to make your voice heard. There are many ways you can stay involved all year long.

Learn about Laws in Your State

To recommend a change to the law, you first need to know what laws are currently in place. Find out what your state’s laws are on consent, statutes of limitation, mandatory reporting, and confidentiality.


Write to Your Congressional Representative

Email or Tweet at Congress through our online action center. Be sure to use #ActWithRAINN.



Read Up on Legislation

Refresh your knowledge of past federal legislation.



Submit a Policy Request:

Is there an issue you should think RAINN should work on? Let us know.



Eight out of 10 sexual assaults are committed by someone who knows the victim.

More Stats

Your next birthday can help survivors of sexual violence.

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