Bolster Critical Care for Survivors of Sexual Assault

Forensic nurses receive special training to provide comprehensive care to victims of sexual assault. Often called Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners, or SANEs, these medical professionals provide expert, trauma-informed, and victim-centered care and often serve as expert witnesses if a case goes to trial.

As documented by a recent government report, challenges remain to ensuring that every survivor – regardless of geographical location – has access to these critical health services. Ask Congress to expand access to sexual assault medical forensic examinations, help develop national standards of care for survivors of sexual assault, and improve access to care for native men and women and men and women living in rural communities.

Making a call to your Member? Consider these talking points:

  • My name is [YOUR NAME], and I am a constituent.
  • Did you know that every 73 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted? Each of those victims deserves access to the specialized, quality care of a forensic nurse.
  • Unfortunately, as recently documented by government studies, in some parts of the country a victim may be forced to travel hours to access a SANE and have a rape kit examination performed.
  • These exams can be the difference between a smooth and healthy recovery from sexual assault. Moreover, the evidence these forensic nurses collect is vital in the work to hold perpetrators accountable.
  • I am asking [SENATOR/REPRESENTATIVE NAME] to support the Survivors’ Access to Supportive Care Act.
  • This bipartisan, bicameral bill, led by Senators Murray and Murkowski and Representative Jayapal will help ensure all victims – regardless of geography – has access to the expert care of a forensic nurse.

Help ensure all survivors have access to the support and services of forensic nurses.

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